Wednesday 16 January 2013

Freeganism- The Ultimate Freebie Movement

What is Freeganism?

Freeganism is a radical food movement that rejects the conventional consumerist and capitalist economy. At its’ heart freeganism promotes minimal impact on the environment by radically reducing humanities consumption of energy in all forms. Food, modes of transport, accommodation and even employment choices for a freegan are based upon the values of community, ecology, sustainability and a fierce rebellion 
against the norm of living.

Welcome to a Day in the Life of a Freegan!

“(Knock, knock) It’s the police open up! You have to vacate the premises right now, you have no right to be here and this building is being demolished right NOW!”

Fuck, the perils of squatting! This is the third abandoned house that I’ve been kicked out of. This lifestyle of squatting is becoming more and more difficult. I have a day pack, a sleeping bag and a portable stove top to my name. It’s time to roll out and find a new place to spend the night.

I dash out the back broken window to escape the cops and yet another warning. I head towards the train station. I duck under the train station gates and go to the platform. I refuse to pay for a ticket and prefer to trainhop and  hitchhike places, which are much more environmentally friendly ways of travelling.……

I hop off the train and am totally starving…I head to a dumpster behind a local supermarket and start digging. Perfectly good food has been thrown away- a box of Cheerios and a pack of Tim Tams barely passed its expiry date! Score, Oh I love urban foraging.

I’m checking out the local paper for casual work. Working full time is not a priority, I would much rather spend time with family and friends. I don’t want to become a slave to the money. 
Time to find a place for the night- I call up my friend who lives nearby to crash on her couch. I’ll find a new place to crash tomorrow.

By Sigrid 


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