Saturday 12 January 2013

Food Co-Ops

Food is not simply what we put into our mouths and what we digest. The everyday decisions we make about where we buy our food from is a political and social statement about who we are and what we stand for. People are becoming more conscious of the impact their food choices have on the world and are in-turn shying away from mass consumption encouraged by the capitalist economy. The idea of more "bang for your buck" without giving any consideration to sustainable food practices is now widely recognized as destructive for the planet and society.

  Food miles are a way for people to measure the amount of energy aside from water and light that it has taken to transport food from the soil to their plate. Food miles contribute to the mass release of carbon in the atmosphere and ignore the merits of supporting local farmers. Thus, many people have decided to support local farmer by buying their produce and through the setup of Food Co-ops this has become a practical and fairly easy way to be a sustainable eco-conscious consumer. These Food Co-ops have sprang from consumers wanting to support local foods, eat organically, get a fair price for the farmer and themselves and stand by their environmental ethos.

The People's Supermarket in Oxford, London is a new spin on a developing trend. This supermarket operates by employing its members in store to sell goods. The members have a share in the business and they have a say on what is stocked. Fresh, organic and seasonable produce are favoured by members as well as cheaper home-brand alternatives. This interesting supermarket is a social experiment on democracy and food as each member votes on the stores functioning while shopping exclusively for food at the store. I believe that community participation in food co-ops is essential for their growth and survival against big chain supermarkets. You are what you eat but you also mould your life based on your choices and if you choose sustainability and community over a bland warehouse apple all the more to you.

Want to learn more about The People's Supermarket?

Reasons why Food Co-ops are awesome!

Sydney initatives to make a difference!

Click here to check out local food co-ops


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