Thursday 17 January 2013

Pancakes - The food across cultures

I’ve talked about French desserts and the pizza from Italy, but I think now its time to look at something that roots from Greece but is recognized in all of these places and more.

Yes! I am talking about pancakes!


Did you know that pancakes are probably one of the earliest cereal that was highly preferred in the earliest societies such as the ones in ancient Greece. Over the centuries the dish of pancakes have evolved into many variations through different cultures.

Needless to say the Greek version was the first so when you enjoy the fluffy deliciousness that is pancakes on your Sunday morning, you can thank the Greeks for it. (after of course your mum, who made them for you)

You have probably come across the French version of pancakes at some point, they are the thin disks called crepes. These can be filled with just about anything you are craving from spinach, cheese, fish or fruits! Many Asian and European countries have also adapted this version of the pancakes.

The Austria-Hungarian spin on the pancakes is a dessert called Kaiserschmarrn. This is a version of pancakes divided into small pieces and served with a variation of berries, raisins or nuts.

Now for the best place in Sydney where you can get the yummiest pancakes?

You said it – Pancakes on the Rocks! I just went there the other day and I am ready to go again.
What? I just haven’t tried everything yet.  (and they taste better every time I go- fluffy, buttery, drowning in maple syrup, cream, ice-cream, strawberries, chocolate…yummm)

Its not just pancakes but a whole lot of savory options are available too.


Small tip: one dish is always very heavy so I suggest if like me you don’t have a massive appetite and are going for the first time take someone you can share it with ;D


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