Friday 18 January 2013

Korean rice cakes

I have recently become acquainted with Korean food and my absolute favourite would have to be Korean rice cakes. For some who are unaware of Korean cuisine, Korean rice cakes or Ddeokbokki are a staple food in South Korea where people of all ages can enjoy. It is a convenient street food, a simple snack or a light meal but it can also eaten on special occasions such as weddings and birthday.

It is essentially a chewy cake made out of glutinous rice flour and can be served sweet or savory with many preferring the savoury option. The glutinous rice is pounded until gooey and sticky an then moulded into various shapes and sizes. Traditionally they can be tall, short, round, flat or even coloured, however the most common form is the cylinder shape. Korean rice cakes can be eaten in a number of ways such as steamed, stir-fry or in broth. It can be a stir-fry dish with meat or it an be a vegetarian dish cooked with vegetables. 

The most common way of cooking rice cakes is with cabbage or with the iconic chilli paste soup. For vegetarians this simple dish is tasty and filling. When i make this recipe i simplify the ingredients needed. The main ingredients are a bag of rice cake which can be found at your local Asian grocer, it is up to you which shape you prefer however I generally prefer the flat ones as they are easier to cook. Other ingredients include cabbage, red chilli paste, soy sauce and shallots. If made simply, it should take 15 minutes or less. If you are ever curious about Korean cuisine, i suggest you give this a go!!  

- Amy

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