Monday, 21 January 2013

G'day Mate! Ya like an ANZAC Biscuit?

►► Please take a virtual ANZAC biscuit ☺

Living in Australia, we often forget that despite our Multiculturalism, we also have a very distinct, and more often than not, a very stereotypical Australia culture. 

And where there's a culture, there's always an iconic food, in this case- ANZAC Biscuits!

ANZAC Biscuits is associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) of World War I. 

This sweet biscuit is made ffrom using rolled oats, flour, sugar, butter, golden syrup, baking soda, boiling water, and optionally desiccated coconut.
Have you noticed something special about these ingredients? Well?

The ingredients used in making ANZAC biscuits do not spoil easily. 

It has been claimed that these ingredients were used as they were not prone to spoiling, and that they carried well during naval transportation; a consideration by the thoughtful family and friends to the dear soldiers fighting the World War.

Now ANZAC biscuits has become an iconic snack of Australia in which we can purchase for a few dollaars in supermarkets or corner shops. 

'Lest we forget'

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